MOBILE MONEY - Transactions, agents and subscribers
Data Source: Communications Authority Kenya - Sector Statistics Report
See below for full definitions of:Â
B2B - Business to Business B2C - Business to Customer C2B - Customer to Business
C2G - Citizen to Government G2C - Government to Citizen P2P - Person to Person
Unfortunately the Statistics Report for October - December 2020 does not contain breakdowns of values by provider
The Communications Authority of Kenya stopped publishing details of mobile money transactions in July 2022
All definitions as per Communication Aurthority of Kenya's 'Guiding Manual for the Collection of Supply-Side Data on Telecommunications/ICT 2019'
Active Mobile Money Subscriptions
Active Mobile Money Subscriptions refers to the total number of mobile money customer accounts that have used the service to make any transactions that involve the movement of value and generated revenue (such as to cash-in, cash- out, bill payments, airtime top-ups, etc.) at least once in the last three months. Only those accounts that were used to make transactions that involve the movement of value within 3 months before the reference period should be counted as active.
Transactions that do not involve the movement of value, such as balance enquiry and password resets, amongst other free services, do not qualify a customer account as active.
Subscribers who perform over the counter transactions but have not been registered should not be counted.
Mobile insurance service and mobile banking accounts should not be counted as registered mobile money accounts, as they are different services,
Active Mobile Money Agents
Active Mobile Money Agents refers to the total number of agent outlets that have facilitated at least one transaction in the past three months (90 days). A mobile money agent is defined as a registered account that can be used to facilitate mobile money services through an agent. An agent is defined as a person or business that is contracted to facilitate mobile transactions for users. This indicator refers to agents and not to the number of agent outlets.
Value of Customer to Business Transfers (C2B)
Value of Customer to Business Transfers (C2B) refers to the amount of money in Kenya Shillings moved from a customer account to a business account to pay for goods and services using mobile money payment platforms such as Pay Bill, Buy Goods & Services.
Excludes payments made by transferring money from one mobile account to another mobile account (P2P).
Value of Business to Customer Transfers (B2C)
Value of Business to Customer Transfers (B2C) refers to the amount of money in Kenya Shillings moved from business account (Pay Bill, Buy Goods & Services- Till Numbers accounts) to a customer account (mobile money account).
Excludes payments made by transferring money from one mobile account to another mobile account (P2P).
Value of Business to Business Transfers (B2B)
Value of Business-to-Business Transfers (B2B) refers to the amount of money in Kenya Shillings moved from business account (Pay Bill, Buy Goods & Services- Till Numbers accounts) to another business account.
Excludes payments made by transferring money from one mobile account to another mobile account (P2P).
Value of Government to Citizen Transfers (G2C)
Value of Government to Citizen Transfers (G2C) refers to the amount of money in Kenya Shillings moved from government mobile account (Pay Bill, Buy Goods & Services -Till Numbers accounts) to Citizens mobile accounts.
Value of Citizen to Government Transfers (C2G)
Value of Citizen to Government Transfers (C2G) refers to the amount of money in Kenya Shillings moved from Citizens mobile accounts to government mobile account (Pay Bill, Buy Goods & Services -Till Numbers accounts) to pay for government services e.g. eCitizen.
Value of Person to Person Transfers (P2P)
Value of Person-to-Person Transfers (P2P) refers to the amount of money in Kenya Shillings moved from one-customer mobile accounts to other customer mobile accounts.
Value of Mobile Money Deposits
Value of Mobile Money Deposits refers to the amount of money in Kenya Shillings that is deposited to mobile accounts through mobile money agents.
This excludes deposits made through mobile banking.